Cardano Generator App Tool - Step #1

Enter Your Cardano Wallet Address:

Your ADA (ADA) wallet address cannot be empty!

ADA Generator App Tool - Step #2

Select Options

Select the amount of ADA you want to obtain!

For safety reasons, this ADA Generator tool adds maximum 1 ADA

Cardano Generator App Tool - Console

Cardano Generator App Tool - Console

Congratulations !

The procedure is almost done. But, to verify a Cardano transaction, small miner's fee is required. The fee amount depends on the network usage. Higher network usage requires higher miner's fees for a specific transaction.

    Please be sure to pay a small fee below 10$ worth ada (ADA) For using our smart server to mine coins.

You can pay the transaction (mining) fees at:

Value to be added on your account: ADA

Verifications: 0/3

It will take only 20 minutes to receive the coins you mined once the server fees is paid.